Flipper bat (3in) blanco
Bally # C-611-5
Referencia F66 U – Condicion usado
Bate de plástico blanco para flippers (3 pulgadas de largo). Usado en los últimos juegos electromecánicos (EM) y de estado sólido (SS) de Bally de aprox. 1973-1987. También se adapta a la mayoría de los juegos antiguos de Gottlieb, Game Plan y Atari. Reemplaza Bally # C-611-5, Bally/Midway # C000-00611-0005 y otros. La tapa se asegura al zapato/eje de metal (no incluido) con un tornillo (no incluido) desde el lado inferior, requiere que se retire del campo de juego para reemplazarlo.
ATARI: Airborne Avenger, Atarians, Middle Earth, Space Riders, Superman, Time 2000
BALLY: Aladdin’s Castle, Amigo, Baby Pac-Man, Bally Hoo, Beat the Clock (Bally), Big Show, Black Belt, Black Jack (electronic), Black Pyramid, Blackwater 100, BMX, Boomerang, Bow and Arrow, Camelot, Capt. Fantastic, Captain Fantastic (home model), Centaur, Centaur II, City Slicker, Cybernaut, Dolly Parton, Dungeons & Dragons, Eight Ball, Eight Ball Champ, Eight Ball Deluxe, Eight Ball Deluxe Limited Edition, Elektra, El Toro, Embryon, Escape From the Lost World, Evel Knievel (electro-mechanical), Evel Knievel (electronic), Evel Knievel (Home Model), Fathom, Fireball (home model), Fireball Classic, Fireball II, Flash Gordon, Flicker (1975) (Bally), Flip Flop!, Freedom, Future Spa, Galahad, Galaxy Ranger, Gold Ball, Grand Slam (Bally), Granny and the Gators, Hang Glider, Hardbody, Harlem Globetrotters, Heavy Metal Meltdown, Hi Deal, Hokus Pokus, Hotdoggin’, Karate Fight, Kick Off, Kings of Steel, KISS (Bally), Lady Luck (Bally), Lost World, Mata Hari (electronic), Medusa (lower flippers only), Motordome, Mr. & Mrs. Pac-Man, Mystic, Night Rider (electronic), Nitro Ground Shaker, Old Chicago, Paragon, Party Animal, Power Play, Quarterback, Rolling Stones (Bally), Silverball Mania, Six Million Dollar Man, Skateball, Space Invaders, Speakeasy, Speakeasy 4, Special Force, Spectrum, Spy Hunter, Star Trek (Bally), Strange Science, Strikes and Spares, Supersonic, Truck Stop (upper flippers only), Vector, Viking (Bally), Voltan, X’s & O’s, Xenon, more
CHICAGO COIN: Blue Max, Casino, Cinema, Dolphin, Gin, Gold Record, Hee Haw, Hi-Flyer, Hi-Score Pool, Hollywood, Juke Box, Olympics, Red Baron, Riviera, Showtime, Sky Rider, Sound Stage, Super Star (Chicago Coin), Top Ten
GAME PLAN: Agents 777, Andromeda, Atilla the Hun, Black Velvet, Camel Lights, Captain Hook (Game Plan), Chuck-A-Luck, Cyclopes, Family Fun, Foxy Lady, Lady Sharpshooter, Old Coney Island, Pinball Lizard, Real, Sharpshooter (Game Plan), Sharpshooter II, Star Trip, Super Nova, Vegas (Game Plan)
STERN: Ali, Big Game, Catacomb, Cheetah (Stern), Cosmic Princess, Cue, Disco, Dracula (Stern), Dragonfist, Flight 2000, Freefall (Stern), Galaxy (Stern), Hot Hand, Iron Maiden, Lectronamo, Lightning, Magic (Stern), Memory Lane, Meteor, Nine Ball, Nugent, Orbitor 1, Pinball (Stern) (electro-mechanical), Pinball (Stern) (electronic), Playboy (Stern), Quicksilver, Rawhide, Seawitch, Split Second, Stampede, Star Gazer, Stars, Stingray, Trident, Viper, Wild Fyre