Balancin derecho flipper plunger-lineal


  • ARS: $ 12.569

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Balancin derecho flipper plunger-lineal

Flipper crank BALLY lineal RIGHT  #A-3711-5

Incluye insulated pawl, nylon bushing, y two set screws.

Balancin derecho flipper plunger-lineal usado en la mayoria de pinball Bally & Bally/Midway 1980 a 1988.

Usado en los siguientes pinball:
BALLY: Baby Pac-Man, Beat the Clock, Black Belt, Black Pyramid, Blackwater 100, BMX, Centaur, Centaur II, City Slicker, Cybernaut, Dungeons & Dragons, Eight Ball Deluxe, Eight Ball Deluxe Limited Edition, Elektra, Embryon, Escape From the Lost World, Fathom, Fireball Classic, Fireball II, Flash Gordon, Frontier, Gold Ball, Granny and the Gators, Heavy Metal Meltdown, Hotdoggin’, Grand Slam, Hardbody, Karate Fight, Kings of Steel, Lady Luck, Medusa, Motordome, Mr. & Mrs. Pac-Man, Mystic, Party Animal, Rolling Stones, Skateball, Speakeasy, Speakeasy 4, Special Force, Spectrum, Spy Hunter, Strange Science, Truck Stop (upper flippers only), Vector, Viking, Xenon, X’s & O’s

Referencia F038